Dr. Creflo Dollar
A. Be strong in the Lord and His ability, not your own. (Ephesians 6:10-12)
1. You cannot defeat the enemy in your own ability.
2. The secret to winning in the spiritual is prace.
3. Fight from a position of already being victorious rather than trying to obtain victory. Jesus has already given you the victory.
B. Submit yourself to God and the devil will flee. (James 4:7)
1. A humble man is the one who will submit to The Will of God.
2. God gives more grace to the humble. (I Peter 5:5-8; Luke 18:10-15)
a. God resists the proud but exalts the person who walks in humility.
3. The devil is seeking whom he may devour.
a. Not every Christian is devourable.
4. God's grace will put the odds in your favor in the midst of spiritual warfare.
C. God's grace is sufficient to sustain you in the midst of every challenge and battle you face. (II Corinthians 12:8-9)
1. The Devil can only succeed in your life if you are performance-centered, self-centered or, operating according to the law.
2. Legalism will qualify you to be attacked by Satan because it breeds sin-consciousness.
a. Sin-consciousness activates condemnation.
3. God has been meerciful toward all your unrighteousness.