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Why Do We Sing So Many Songs About The Cross? Why Do We Sing So Many Songs About The Cross?

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   Discussion: Why Do We Sing So Many Songs About The Cross?
Apostle M. R. Taylor · 11 years, 8 months ago

"Why Do We Sing So Many Songs About The Cross?"

By: Mark Altrogge


Why so many songs about The Blood of Jesus Christ? Why so many songs about salvation? There are plenty of other topic we could sing about. So, why so many songs about what Jesus Christ did on Calvary?

Apparently God thinks it's important because he commands us in Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonshing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thanksfulness in your hearts to God."

What is "The Word of Christ" we're supposed to keep singing to one another? It's "The Gospel of Jesus Christ!" It's the "Word" about Christ - the word about all God did to redeem us throgh the birth, life, death,, resurrection and ascension of Christ! The Word of Christ is the "Good News" and all its ramifications and reverberations in our lives. The good news about the provision God made for sinners to dwell with a Holy God through His Son's powerful works.

Why Do We Need To Keep Singing The Gospel?

We need to sing the gospel, because we'r so prone to forget it. We need to sing the gospel because we're inclined to becoming "works-oriented" and put our hope in other things besides Jesus Christ.

We sing the gospel because through it God most clearly displays His Holiness, Love, Mercy, and Power. We see how the Infinitely Holy and Just God satisfied His justice by pouring out His wrath on His Own Son Christ Jesus in oour place! Nothing demonstrates The Love of God like The Cross at Calvary! The Apostle Paul writes in his letter to The Church at Rome (Romans 5:8) "But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

We definitely need to sing songs about God's Holiness. But if that's all we sing we would eventually become condemned and fearful to approach Him. If we only sang songs about God's Goodness, we would probably have little fear and little appreciation for what He did to remove our sin nature. Tha Gospel of Jesus Christ brings these glorious attributes together front and center. Justice and Mercy kiss at The Cross!

We also sing the gospel because it's the only hope of the unsaved who join us every Sunday. So, we sing to ourselves, we sing to our friends, and we sing to our children.

Keep singing "The Word of Christ." Keep gazing at "The Good News" from every angle, like turning a diamond in your hand. Keep singing "new songs" unto the Lord. But, let the "new songs" be the "old song!" Keep marvelling at all the facts of God's Holiness, Love and Mercy until we sing before The throne of God for all eternity . . . "WORTHY IS THE LAMB WHO WAS SLAIN!"



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