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The Power Called Grace The Power Called Grace

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   Discussion: The Power Called Grace
Apostle M. R. Taylor · 11 years, 10 months ago

The Power Called Grace




From first becoming a born-again Christian, to operating in our calling, grace is "God's enabling power that gives us the ability to do what we could never do on our own." Grace has been made available to everyone. However, not everyone will access this power because it takes faith to do so!



A. God has given us the power to live a life that pleases Him, and that enabling power is called "grace".

1. Only grace give us the power to overcome our shortcomings, once and for all. Hebrews 12:28

 a. Our natural abilities and will power are subject to fail, but God's power never fails

2. The Greek root word for grace is charis, which is also the word for anointing.

 a. Charis is defined as, "Divine influence upon a person's heart or spirit that can be seen outwardly.

 b. The Grace of God upon a person's life is reflective, menaing it can be seen. Acts 11:21-23

 c. Grace is evident (manifest) when we obtain certain victories or overcome certain trials.

 d. There are certain situations that we find ourselves in that only The Grace of God can deliver us out of.

3. There are many Christians who are working hard to achieve grace.

 a. For example, they turn prayer, confessions, attending church, and reading the Bible into "religious rituals" in a desperate attempt to earn grace.

 b. However, in order to receive grace, we must understand that "Grace is a free gift from God that cannot be earned."

 c. We must use our faith to receive what Jesus Christ has already done for us on The Cross at Calvary instead of trying to work to earn The Promises of God.

4. Those of us who are "born-again" have received our salvation by "grace through faith." Ephesians 2:8-9

 a. Salvation was not a result of our works, but of our faith.

 b. Our salvation includes much more than just the "born-again experience." Our salvation also includes our healing, prosperity, and deliverance.

B. Grace is available to everyone, but only those who have the faith to receive it will benefit from it. Romans 5:1-2

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